What you are really searching for is unconditional love, unqualified acceptance. 你真正寻找的只是无条件的爱和完全的包容。
How exactly do we give unconditional acceptance? In my experience, it involves the following elements. 到底该怎样无条件的接受别人呢?以我的经验,主要包括以下几个方面。
We need a space of unconditional acceptance. 我们需要一个无条件接受自我的空间。
A steady diet of that, Rogers warned, and children might eventually need a therapist to provide the unconditional acceptance they didn't get when it counted. 长期以往的话,罗杰斯警告说,孩子最终可能需要治疗师提供在他们需要时而没有得到的无条件接受的治疗。
The heart never judges, it knows only unconditional love and acceptance. 我们的心从来不懂得挑剔,它只会无条件地去爱以及接受爱。
It was no wonder the children were drawn to her: For many of them, it was their first encounter with unconditional acceptance. 它吸引孩子并不奇怪,因为许多孩子是第一次被无条件地接受。
To speak too glibly about unconditional acceptance appears to encourage careless and disobedient living. 过分轻易地说无条件接纳可能会鼓励轻率和不顺服的生活方式。
If the IFP feel unconditional love and acceptance, they are more likely to feel self-confident, and will be able to handle some criticism. 如果IFP感到自己是无条件的被爱与接纳着的,他们可能会感到更加自信,更能经得起批评。
In unconditional acceptance, there is peace because each embraces the other as they are and not as one would wish them to be. 在无条件的接受中就有和平,因为彼此均接受的是对方原本的样子而并不是希望其所成为的样子。
Here was instant and unconditional acceptance of a child by his grandmother. 他的外祖母当即无条件地接受了他。
Let me accept a higher vibration of your energy than I have previously experienced; bathe me in your true qualities of unconditional love, acceptance and balance. 让我接受一个超过我之前所经验的您的能量的更高振动;
As long as you are to me, then I will be unconditional acceptance. 只要是你给我的,那么我就会无条件的接受。
Love is the unconditional acceptance God has given us and what are trying to learn to freely give to others. 爱是上主对我们无条件地接受,也是我们应学会给别人的东西。
At the same time you crave unconditional acceptance and love so it's timely to put to bed some long festering issues and move forward. 同时,你也渴求被人无条件的接受与爱,所以现在就是让这些腐烂的问题彻底长眠,自己奔向新生的时候了。